Malware Analysis Primer
Goals of Malware Analysis
Determine exactly what a particular suspect binary can do
How to detect it on your network
How to measure and contain its damage
Develop signatures to detect malware infections
Host-based signatures
Detect malicious code on victim computers
Malware indicators focus on what the malware does to a system not on characteristic of the malware itself
Network signatures
Detect malicious code by monitoring network traffic
Malware Analysis Techniques
Examines the malware without running it
Basic Static Analysis
Examines the executable file without viewing the actual instructions
Does not work against sophisticated malware
Advanced Static Analysis
Reverse-engineering the malware's internals by loading the executable into a disassembler and looking at the program instructions in order to discover what the program does
Dynamic Analysis
Running the malware
Basic Dynamic Analysis
Runs the malware and observing its behavior on the system in order to remove the infection and produce effective signatures
You have to set up an environment that lets you study the running malware without risk of damage to the system or network
Advanced Dynamic Analysis
Debugger to examine the internal state of a running malicious executable
Extract detailed information from an executable
Last updated