Basic Static Techniques
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Static Analysis - process of analyzing the code or structure of a program to determine its function
A common method used to uniquely identify malware
Run through a hashing program that produces a unique hash that identifies that malware
Hash as a label
Share that hash
Search for the hash online
Program is a sequence of characters
Simple way to get hints about the functionality of a program
Usually stored in either ASCII or Unicode format
Both store characters in sequences that end with a NULL terminator to indicate that the string is complete
Programs are ones whose execution the malware author has attempted to hide
If when you search a program you only find a few strings it is probably obfuscated or packed
A subset of obfuscated programs in which the malicious program is compressed and cannot be analyzed
NOTE - They often include at least the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress which are used to load and gain access to additional functions
Packing Files
On packed programs, a small wrapper program runs to decompress the packed file and then run the unpacked file
Detect Packers with PEiD
PEiD to detect the type of packer or compiler employed to build an application
You have to unpack it in order to be able to perform any analysis
Command to unpack using UPX: upx -d PackedProgram.exe
You can also detect packed malware using PEview
If the Size of Raw Data < Virtual Size then that might be indication that it is packed.
Portable Executable (PE)
File format used by Windows executables, object code, and DLLs
Think of it as a giant array of bytes
A data structure that contains the information necessary for the Windows OS loader to manage the wrapped executable code
Every file with executable code that is loaded by Windows is in the PE file format
Begin with a header that includes information about the code:
Type of application
Required library functions
Space requirements
Contains a header followed by a series of sections
Header contains metadata about the file itself
All Microsoft executables start with MZ
PE File Headers and Sections
All other sections store data and supporting information
Only section that can execute and only one that includes code
Contains the import and export information
Store other read-only data used by the program
Sometimes will contain .idata and .edata section which store the import and export information
Contains the program's global data
Accessible from anywhere in the program
Local data is not stored in this section, or anywhere else in the PE file
Includes the resources used by the executable that are not considered part of the executable
Strings can be stored either in the .rsrc section or in the main program
Contains executable code
Read-only data globally accessible within the program
Global data accessed through the program
Stores the import function information
Stores the export function information
Only in 64-bit executables and stores exception-handling information
Stores resources needed by the executable
Information for relocation of library files
Functions used by one program that are actually stored in a different program, like code libraries
Executables can import functions by ordinal instead of by name, when they do this the name of the function never appears in the original executable
Code libraries
Can be connected to the main executable by linking
Can be linked statically, at runtime, or dynamically
Information found in the PE file header depends on how the library code has been linked
Static Linking
Least commonly used method of linking libraries
Common in UNIX and Linux programs
All code from that library is copied into the executable, making it grow in size
Nothing in the PE file header indicates that the file contains linked code
Runtime Linking
Commonly used in malware
Connect to libraries only when that function is needed, not at program start
Windows functions allow programmers to import linked functions not listed in a program's file header
Common Functions
- Allow a program to access any function in any library on the system - GetProcAddress
- Allow a program to access any function in any library on the system - LdrGetProcAddress
- LdrLoadDll
Dynamic Linking
Most common and most interesting
Host OS searches for the necessary libraries when the program is loaded
Program calls the linked library function, function executes within the library
PE file header stores information about every library that will be loaded and every function that will be used by the program
Common DLLs
Common DLL contains core functionality like access and manipulation of memory, files and hardware.
Provides access to advanced core Windows components like Service Manager and Registry
Contains user-interface components, like buttons, scroll bars, and components for controlling and responding to user actions.
Functions for displaying and manipulating graphics.
Interface to the Windows kernel. Always imported indirectly by Kernel32.dll. If this is imported it means that the author intended to use functionality not normally available to Windows programs. Tasks like hiding functionality or manipulating processes.
WSock32.dll Ws2_32.dll
Network DLLs, program that uses this likely connects to a network or performs network-related tasks
Contains higher-level networking functions that implement protocols such as FTP, HTTP, and NTP
Functions that take strings as parameters include an A of a W at the end of their names, like CreateDirectoryW
Drop the trailing A or W when searching for the function in the Microsoft documentation
Functions with names ending in "Ex" = new function that is incompatible with old one. Old one still supported
Imported Functions
PE file header includes information about specific functions by an executable
Exported Functions
DLL implements functions and exports them for use by an executable that can then import and use them
PE file contains information about which functions a file exports
DLLs provide functionality for executables = exported functions are common
Exported functions are not common in executables
Sophisticated malware will often omit function names or use unclear or misleading names
Seeing a lot of imports = file is not packed
Function Examples
- commonly used in spyware and most popular way that keyloggers receive keyboard inputs
- registers a hotkey whenever the user presses that hotkey combination the application is notified
- an applicaiton defined or library-defined callback function used with the SetWindowsHookEx
Examine PE Files with PEview
All Delphi programs use a compile time of June 19,1992
Subsystem description
indicates whether this is a console or GUI program
Virtual Size - How much space is allocated for a section during the loading process
Size of raw data - shows how big the section is on disk
These should usually be equal Virtual Size = Size of Raw Data
Virtual Size > Size of Raw Data = Packed Code
Memory Space > Disk Space = Packed Code
In Windows it is normal for .data to have virtual size > raw data size - it is not enough to mean its not malicious
Viewing Resource Section with Resource Hacker
Informative Sections
Icon - lists images shown when the executable is in a file listing
stores all menus that appear in various windows
Contains the names of all the menus and the text shown for each
Dialog - program's dialog menus
String Table - stores strings
Version Info - contains a version number and often the company name and a copyright statement
NOTE - Malware often store an embedded program or driver here and before the program runs, they extract the embedded executable or driver.
PE Header Summary
Information Revealed
Functions from other libraries that are used by the malware
Functions in the malware meant to be called by other programs or libraries
Time Date Stamps
When the program was compiled
Sections in the file and their sizes on disk and in memory
Command-line or GUI-application
Strings, icons, menus, and other information included in the file
Dependency Walker - lists only dynamically linked functions in an executable