Debugging with gdb
b <function>
Sets a breakpoint at <function>
b *mem
Sets a breakpoint at the absolute memory location
info b
Displays information about breakpoints
delete b
Removes a breakpoint
run <args>
Starts debugging the program from within gdb using the given arguments
info reg
Displays information about the current register state
stepi or si
Executes one machine instruction
next or n
Executes one function
Backtrace command; shows the names of stack frames
Moves up and down the stack frames
print var print /x $<reg>
Printes the value of the variable and prints the value of a register, respectively
x /NT A
Examines memory, where N = number of units to display; T = type of data to display (x:hex, d:dec, c:char, s:string, i:instruction); and A = absolute address or symbolic name, such as "main"
exits gdb
Last updated