Hiding Files and Covering Tracks
Ways to hide files in Windows systems
Altermate Data Stream (ADS)
A feature of the Windows native NTFS to ensure compatibility with Apple's HFS
Has the ability for loads for back-end features built into the OS and applications
No one in practice actually uses it because it is easy to spot and triggers all sorts of warnings
Allows you to hide files behind any other file, rendering it invisible to directory searches
Every forensics kit checks for ADS
Modern versions of Windows show an executable that's run inside a .txt file in the Task Manager as part of the parent
Hunt down ADS using applications like LNS and Sfind
In Vista, use directory command dir /r which will display all file stream in the directory
Copying files to and from a FAT partition blows away any residual file streams in the directory
What is Steganography?
Hiding data in pictures
Two types of semagrams
Visual semagram — use an everyday object to convey a message
Text semagram — obscures a message in text by using things such as font, size, type or spacing
Linguistic steganography
a collection of techniques and methods that allows the hiding of any digital information within texts based on some linguistic knowledge.
Hides the message in the carrier file in a non-obvious way
Technical Steganography
Hides a message using scientific methods
What are the three main logs?
Application logs — entries specifically related to the applications, and only entries programmed by the developers get in
System log — Registers system events, such as drivers failing and startup/shutdown times
Security log — Registers login attempts, access and activities regarding resources
How to hide your tracks in log files
Be selective in your event log editing
Go in first and edit what is actually being audited
Turn off auditing only on the things you'll be hitting, things like:
failed resource access
failed logins
Visit the log and get rid of those items that show your presence and activities
Get rid of the security event log that shows where you edited the audit log
Another option is to simply corrupt the log file once you are done
Log file location
Default log file location is %systemroot%\System32\Config
This can be changed and placed the log files somewhere else by editing the registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog)
In Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Local Security Policy — you can set up and change the audit policy for the system
Top level settings are found under Local Policies | Audit Policy
Other settings are found in Advanced Audit Policy Configuration
Evidence Eliminator
Auditpol - let's you disable event logs on other machines
Last updated