SQL Injection

  • The most common and successful injection attack technique

  • Happens when the attacker injects SQL queries directly into the input form bypassing the front end and executing directly on the SQL Database on the backend

  • Can also try this in the URL itself, passing authentication credentials by changing the URL

# INSERT a new record in the user and password table 
anything' ; INSERT INTO cust ('cust_Email', 'cust_Password', 'cust_Userid', 'cust_FirstName', 'cust_LastName') VALUES ('attacker_emailAddress@badplace.com', 'P@ssw0rd', 'Matt', 'Matthew', 'Walker') ;--

# Bypass authentication altogether 
admin '-- 
admin' /*

' or 1=1--

('1'='1- -

Three Main Categories

  • In-band SQL Injection

    • Attacker uses the same communication channel to perform and retrieve the results of the attack

    • Most commonly used type

    • Examples

      • Union Query attack

      • Error-based - enter poorly constructed statements in an effort to get the database to respond with table names and other information in error messages

      • Tautology - trick the database by providing something that is already true to try to sneak by

      • Piggybacking - add malicious request on the back of a legitimate one

  • Out-of-band SQL injection

    • Uses different communication channels for the attack and results

    • More difficult to pull off

  • Blind/Inferential

    • Attacker knows the database is vulnerable to injection

    • Error messages and screen returns don't come back to the attacker

    • A lot more guesswork and trial and error

    • Takes a long time to pull off


  • Prepared Statements (With Parameterized Queries):

    • Developers write the SQL query and then any user inputs are added as a parameter afterwards

    • This ensures that the SQL code structure doesn't change and the database can distinguish between the query and the data

  • Input Validation

    • Uses an allow list to restrict input to only certain strings, can filter the characters you want to allow or disallow

  • Escaping User Input

    • Prepends a backlash to character such as ' " $ \ to make them be parsed as regular strings and not a special character


  • Sqlmap

  • sqlninja

  • Havij

  • SQLBrute

  • Pangolin

  • SQLExec

  • Absinthe

  • BobCat

Last updated