Booleans and Operators
# Set Booleans - these are not strings
valid = True
not_valid = False
# Check Booleans
print(valid == True)
print(not_valid == False)
# Using operators for comparisons
print((10 < 9))
print((10 == 9))
print((10 != 10))
print((10 >= 10))
print((10 <= 10))
print((10 > 9))
# Bitwise & and | comparisons
x = 13
y = 5
print(bin(x & y)[2:].rjust(4,"0"))
print(bin(x | y)[2:].rjust(4,"0"))
# Bit shift
x = 13
print(bin(x >> 1)[2:].rjust(4,"0"))
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