Malware Types
is software designed to harm or secretly access a computer system without the owner's informed consent
based on the intent of the creator rather than specific features
Overt channels - legitimate communication channels used by programs across a system or a network
Cover channels - used to transport data in unintended ways
programs that allow you to bind an executable of your choice
They have their own signatures and can show up on AV scans
Crypters - use a combination of encryption and code manipulation to make malware undetectable to AV and other security monitoring products
Packers - use compression to pack the malware executable into a smaller size
Exploit Kits - platforms from which you can deliver exploits and payloads
Bleeding Life
Blackhole Exploit Kit
Software that seems to perform a desirable function for the user before running or installing but instead steals information or harms the system
a method to gain and maintain access to a target machine
they are the means of delivery and the backdoor provides the open access
Defacement Trojan
Proxy server Trojan - allows an attacker to use the target system as a proxy
Botnet Trojan - (Chewbacca and Skynet)
Remote Access Trojan - (RAT, MoSucker, Optix Pro and Blackhole)
Covert Channel Tunneling Trojan (CCTT) - form of remote access Trojan that uses a variety of exploitation techniques to create data transfer channels in previously authorized streams
provides an external shell from within an internal environment
e-banking Trojan (Zeus and Spyeye)
Command shell Trojan
provide a backdoor to the system that you connect via cli
Common Trojan Ports
Monitoring Tools
Fport - reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning applications
Process Explorer
Tiny Watcher
Active Registry Monitor
Viruses and Worms
program that creates copies of themselves in other programs and activate on some sort of trigger event
they usually get installed on a system via file attachments, user clicks on embedded e-mails, or the installation of pirated software
virus hoax or fake antivirus lets a target know about a terrible virus running and provides them an antivirus program to protect themselves with.
Type of malicious software designed to deny access to a computer system or data until a ransom is paid
Typically spreads through phishing emails or visiting infected websites
Eternal Blue
A self-replicating malware program that uses a computer network to send copies of itself to other systems without human intervention
resides in active memory and duplicates itself, eating resources and wreaking havoc along the way
Often used in the creation of botnets
disabled services
denied access to administrator shared drives
locked users out of directories
restricted access to security-related sites
Ghost Eye Worm - tool that uses random messaging on Facebook and other sites to perform a host of malicious effort.
Code Red
exploited indexing software on IIS servers in 2001
used a buffer overflow and defaced hundreds of thousands of servers
Linux based worm that targets running ARM, MIPS and PowerPC architectures (usually routers, set-top boxes and security cameras)
Also known as SQL Slammer, Sapphire, SQL_HEL and Helkern
A denial-of-service worm attacking buffer overflow weaknesses in Microsoft SQL services
Spreads quickly using UDP and can bypass sensors because of its small size (entire worm fits in a single packet)
File infection virus that modified and touched nearly all web content on a machine
Spreads through e-mail, open network shares, and websites
Takes advantage of backdoors left on machines infected by the Code Red Worm
Bug Bear
Propagates over open network shares and e-mail
Often sets up a backdoor for later use and has keylogging capabilities
Pretty Park
Spreads via e-mail
Takes advantage of IRC to propagate stolen passwords
Related Notes
Malware Analysis
Denial of Service
Last updated