What is a rootkit?
A rootkit is a collection of software put in place by an attacker that is designed to obscure system compromise
It is software that replaces or substitutes administrator utilities and capabilities with modified versions that obscure or hide malicious activity
They are designed to provide back doors for the attacker to use later and include ways to remove and hide evidence of any activity
Examples of rootkits
A linux rootkit inside "initrd" with three main parts
klibc-horsepill.patch — creates a new, malicious run-init
horsepill_setopt — moves command line arguments to the new malicious run-init
hrsepill_infect — splats files
A Windows rootkit that injects code in the booth record
It creates its own virtual file system (VFS)
More like malware on steroids
Often called a multi-component family of malware
What are the six types of rootkits?
Hypervisor level — these rootkits modify the boot sequence of the host system to load a virtual machine as the host OS
Hardware (firmware) — hide in hardware devices or firmware
Boot loader level — replace the boot loader with one controlled by the hacker
Application level — directed to replace valid application files with Trojan binaries. They work inside an application and can change the application's behavior, user rights level and actions.
Kernel level — Attacks the boot sectors and kernel level of the operating system themselves, replacing kernel code with back-door code. These are the most dangerous and are hard to detect and remove.
Library level — Use system-level calls to hide their existence
What are protection rings in relation to rootkits?
Refers to concentric, hierarchical rings from the kernel out to the applications
Each has its own fault tolerance and security requirements
Ring 0 — kernel
Ring 1 — drivers
Ring 2 — libraries
Ring 3 — Applications
Ways to detect rootkits
ECC provides these commands, they tend to result in a lot of false positives and does not detect all stealth software
Use WinDiff on both results to see any hidden malware
Other methods
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