Computer Memory

  • In simplest terms, computer memory is an electronic mechanism that has the ability to store and retrieve data.

Segmentation of Memory

  • Each process needs to have access to its own areas in memory.

  • Memory is broken down into small segments and handed out to processes as needed.

  • Offset registers are used to keep track of where in the segment the critical pieces of data are kept.

  • Segments such as the code segment, data segment, and stack segment are intentionally allocated in different regions of the virtual address space within a process to prevent collisions and to allow for the ability to set permissions accordingly.

Programs in Memory

.text section

  • Also called code segment, basically corresponds to the .text portion of the binary executable file.

  • Contains the machine instructions

  • Marked as readable and executable and will cause an access violation if a write attempt is made

  • Size is fixed at runtime

  • Should only be marked as readable

.data section

  • Used to store global initialized variables

  • Size fixed at runtime

  • Should only be marked as readable

.bss section

  • below stack section (.bss) stores certain types of global uninitialized variables

  • Size is fixed at runtime

  • Needs to be readable and writable but should not be executable

Heap section

  • Stores dynamically allocated variables and grows from the lower addressed memory to the higher-addressed memory

  • Allocation of memory is controls through malloc(), realloc(), free()

  • Should be readable and writable but should not be executable

  • Attacker who gains control of a process could easily perform shellcode execution in regions such as the stack and heap

Stack section

  • Used to keep track of function calls (recursively) and grows from the higher-addressed memory to the lower-addressed memory on most systems

  • Stack grows from high memory toward low memory allows the subject of buffer overflows to exist

  • Local variables exist in the stack section

Environment/Arguments Section

  • Used to store a copy of system-level variables that may be required by the process during runtime

  • Command-line arguments are stored in this area


  • A storage place used to receive and hold data until it can be handled by a process

  • Memory is allocated within the .data or .bss section of the process's memory

String in Memory

  • Strings are just continuous arrays of charater data in memory


  • Pieces of memory that hold the address of other pieces of memory

// This is read, Give me 4 or 8 bytes called str which is a pointer 
// to a character variable (the first bye of the array)
char * str;

// This is read, give me 4 or 8 bytes called point1, which is a pointer 
// to an integer variable.
int * point1; 

// Prints the value of the integer pointer to by point1
printf("%d", *point1);


  • Used to store data temporarily

  • Can be divided into four categories

Register Category
64-bit Register Name
32-bit Register Name
16- and 8-bit Registers

General registers



Used to manipulate data.


16-bit versions of the preceding entry.


8-bit high- and low-order bytes of the previous entry.

Segment registers


16-bit. Used to hold the first part of a memory address, as well as pointers to code, stack, and extra data segments

Offset registers

Used to indicate an offset related to segment registers

RBP (base pointer). 64-bit use of the base pointer depends on frame pointer omission, language support, and usage of registers R8-R15


Points to the bottom of the stack frame, the beginning of the local environment on the stack for a function.

RSI (source index)


Used to hold the data source offset in an operation using a memory block.

RDI (destination index)


Used to hold the destination data offset in an operation using a memory block.

RSP (stack pointer)


Used to point to the top of the stack.

Special registers

Only used by the CPU



Used by the CPU to track results of logic and the state of the processor. Key flags to know are ZF=zero flag, IF=interrupt enable flag, and SF=sign flag.

RIP (instruction pointer)

32-bit: EIP

Used to point to the address of the next instruction to be executed.

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